Once we receive your input data, we do the rest:
Review the input for accuracy and completeness.
Compare current pay period input to previously processed payrolls.
Perform reasonableness checks.
Apply appropriate employee and employer taxes.
Compute employee pre-tax and after-tax voluntary deductions.
Third Party Payments are accomplished by client check or electronic funds transfer.
Calculate employer benefit payments and employer matching contributions.
Compute child support, complex garnishment computations and court ordered payments.
Track time-off accruals for vacation, holiday, sick days, etc.; based on your company policies.
Prevailing Wage when required on public projects.
Handle tip-reporting.
Track and submit new hire reporting to appropriate state agencies.
Monitor legislation and rules that can affect compliance.
Professionally printed paychecks are created using check stock with your business name and bank account numbers.
Direct deposit advices are prepared with the logo and name of your business.
Withholding taxes, employer matching funds, garnishments, direct deposits, and voluntary deductions are electronically withdrawn from your bank account prior to the payroll to which they relate.
Automatic, high-resolution Check signatures and Company Logos for client and bureau checks and selected reports.
To ensure confidentiality, social security numbers are hidden and bank account numbers are concealed on both electronic and paper reports.
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