The privacy and security of our clients' data is of the highest importance to Rothrock. We consider it key to maintaining our clients’ trust and reducing risk. Rothrock employs industry recognized security safeguards to help protect the personal information you provide us from loss, misuse, or unauthorized access or alteration. Some of our procedures include;

24/7 monitoring of our secure offices.
Computer systems are routinely backed up.
Once the statute of limitation passes, old documents are shredded on site.
Social security numbers are hidden on reports.
Bank account numbers are concealed when appropriate.
Secure Client Portal (in lieu of un-safe email!) for transmission of payroll information.
Rothrock and its employees are fully insured.
In addition to these expected security measures, Rothrock also performs Internal Compliance Audits and has CPA Oversight.
Processing your payroll accurately is our highest priority. We regularly review and perform annual internal audits on previously processed payrolls to ensure they were computed correctly. These reviews include recompilation of gross to nets, review of fringe benefit computations based on actual plan documents, timeliness of tax deposits, annual retirement plan contributions limits and FICA contribution limits.
Rothrock Payroll works with a certified public accounting (CPA) firm to perform an examination of previously processed payrolls. While the CPA firm keeps us guessing by regularly changing the specific procedures and time period that is being examined, the procedures typical include;
Verification of Active Employees - Each person that received a pay check is verified against documents provided from the employer. Although it is more difficult to commit payroll fraud on a smaller business, the use of previously terminated or "ghost employees" to commit fraud is a common occurrence.
Verification of Pay Rates - Employee pay rates in the payroll system are verified against rates of pay authorized by the employer. This prevents kick-back schemes with employees.
Review Hours Paid - Hours paid to employees are compared to time clock reports or other authorization provided by employers to ensure the amount of hours paid were what the employer authorized. An emphasis is placed on overtime hours and pay rates.
Compare Payroll Reports to Employer General Ledger - Totals such as gross payroll expense, taxes withheld and net check amounts are compared to amounts shown on the general ledger.
Review Payroll Tax Submissions - Payroll tax deposits are compared to federal, state and local tax deposit requirements to ensure deposits have been made timely, accurately and in the method prescribed by law.